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Cannaisseur – Trainwreck | CanadaCannaisseur – Trainwreck | Canada

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Cannaisseur – Trainwreck | Canada


Rated 4 out of 5
Strain TypesSativa

Trainwreck is a mind-bending hybrid with potent sativa effects that hit like a freight train.Mexican and Thai sativas were bred with Afghani indicas to produce this Northern California staple, passing on a sweet lemon and spicy pine aroma. Trainwreck begins its speedy hurtle through the mind with a surge of euphoria, awakening creativity and happiness. Migraines, pain, and arthritis are mowed down by Trainwreck’s high THC content, and many patients also use it for relief of anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and PTSD.

Proudly sold by Canada, your trusted destination for cannabis derived products.

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